So for me summer is officially here! I decided to take two summer classes in the month of June, and let me tell you there were many days I was regretting that decision. Taking 4 credits in a month and working 30-35 hours a week is not exactly what I consider summer fun, but being on the other side I must say it was worth it.
Thursday was my portfolio review for my photography class, it went really well and I ended the class with an A! My other class was an online health class that I finished two week ago, so thursday marked the last of my summer classes! My photography class was really fun though because it wasn't your typical class, it was more a field trip based class. We met two days a week, the one day was dedicated just to going out to different places and shooting, and the other day editing. We also had 5 exercises we did on our own, then we gathered the best 12 images to make our portfolio.
Since this is my first summer here in Maryland everywhere they decided to go was new for me, which made everything more exciting, and they were places I probably wouldn't have thought to visit on my own. So I decided I would show you all and let you see what I've been up to!